Aislyn Rose


Developing my own vocab collection application

Published Nov 05, 2018

I’m finally putting it together: my own personal vocabulary etc. collector! High five to self. I have several goals for this project:

1) create a knowledge collector that works for me

2) improve my overall organization of code and functionality

3) practice unittesting development with SQLite3 and OOP functionality

and eventually

4) increase the complexity of the overall functions: add NLP, speech processing, web-scraping, etc.

All of the above will likely be constant ‘works-in-progress’, which is good. Otherwise it probably means I’m dead. Or bored of this project.

The current version can be found in this repo.

Version 1

My first version is pretty simple. There is no GUI; one uses the app via command line. I built it with Python 3.5 so the only installation necessary is Numpy. Otherwise, all other libraries are built in.

Functionality includes:

  • create account
  • save multiple lists
  • tag lists
  • add words with definition, examples sentences, and tags
  • quiz knowledge with flashcards, multiple choice, and fill-in-the-blank tests

Here is a basic run through once you run ‘’.

Note: input is marked with preceding arrows.

First prompt:

Spaces and special characters will be removed: 

Just for fun I’ll enter in

>>> $A)#ni__k   a*( 

which will get saved as ‘Anika’ as spaces and special chars get removed from username. This will result in the output:

Your username will be saved as 'Anika'

Welcome Anika! Enter a password to create your account


>>> some_password

You're account has been created.
Get started by creating your first list.

For each list of words you create, you can add tags and example sentences.

You can even test your knowledge with flashcards, multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank quizzes.

1) open existing list
2) create new list
Enter 1 or 2 (or exit): 

>>> 1

It looks like you don't have a list. Start one now!
Name of list: 

>>> 'Spanish 101'

Tags (separated by ;)

>>> 'brush-up; basic; every-day'

Great! The list has been created. My next menu is the word menu:

1) add word
2) review words 
3) change list
Enter 1, 2, 3 (or exit): 

>>> 1

New word: 

>>> hola


>>> hello

Example sentence (if multiple, separate by ; ) 

>>> Hola, ¿cómo estás?

Tags (separated by ;)

>>> greeting

Once I’ve added that word, I get the same menu again:

1) add word
2) review words 
3) change list
Enter 1, 2, 3 (or exit): 

This time I’ll show you some ‘review’ or quizzing functionality by entering:

>>> 2

1) Flashcards
2) Multiple Choice
3) Fill in the blank
4) View all words and their meanings
Enter 1, 2, 3, 4 (or exit): 

I want to show you ‘fill-in-the-blank’

>>> 3

Enter the word that fills the blank.

____, ¿cómo estás?
Your answer:

>>> Hola

Way to go!

Your score: 100.0% 
Perfect score! I think you gotta find some harder words.

1) add word
2) review words 
3) change list

This should give you an idea of how the app works and what you can do with it.

What I’m working on now

I’m bouncing back and forth between creating unittests and improving/ building onto functionality. For example, I want to keep track of users’ performances on their lists, to be able to quiz them if they haven’t tested words in a while, as well as so many other things.