Published Jan 31, 2019
This is a pretty small dataset but potentially useful. Data is available from Saarbrücker Voice Database. Explore feature extraction and convolutional neural network (CNN), long short-term memory networks (LSTM), and CNN+LSTM in this repo.
Request the data from here:
I’ve posted some screenshots to help you navigate the webpage. We will first download healthy male speech, then healthy female speech. The webpage is in German, so real quick:
healthy = gesund
male = männlich
female = weiblich
1) Check the boxes for “männlich” and “gesund”
2) Click “Exportieren” at the bottom of the page.
3) Check the boxes “Satzdatei” and “WAV” for the ‘Sprach-Signal’ (not the ‘EEG-Signal’).
4) Once the data has loaded, click on “Herunterladen”. Save this zip file in the workshop’s “data” folder as “”. Extract the zipfile.
5) Rename the extracted file “export” as “male_speech”
6) On the database website: click on “Zurück” and “Neue Anfrage”
This should reset the values and you can do the same to download the female speech.
Now, repeat the process for the female speech:
1) Check the boxes for “weiblich” and “gesund”
2) Click “Exportieren”
3) Check the boxes “Satzdatei” and “WAV” for the ‘Sprach-Signal’ (not the ‘EEG-Signal’).
4) Once the data has loaded, click on “Herunterladen”. Save this zip file in the “data” folder as “”. Extract the zipfile.
5) Rename the extracted file “export” as “female_speech”
Ensure the downloads were successful. You should have 252 wave files of men and 382 wave files of women saying the phrase “Guten Morgen, wie geht es Ihnen”.