Aislyn Rose


Quick 2020 Update

Published Nov 30, 2020

For the most part of 2020 I continued building onto the ‘sound playground’ I put together in 2019 for the project NoIze, (PyCon DE and PyData Berlin talk) which focused on noise classification and filtering. What came out?

SoundPy! (docs)

The goal with this tool is to develop something in Python that I myself as a research-based developer want to use when working with and analyzing sound, especially in the context of deep learning.

While I was able to publish alpha versions of SoundPy (GitHub repo) to PyPi in August, as I was making preparations for a more stable release, I gave birth to my second child! However, a less buggy version of SoundPy is available on the development branch on GitHub. As my new little one gets more and more independent, I will be able to continue to debug and improve SoundPy. If he’s anything like my first, I should be able to do so onwards of January 2021.

So if you come across bugs, don’t hesitate to create issues on GitHub - it just may take a bit of time until I can give them the time they deserve.

Best wishes for health all around!
